Does CeraVe benzoyl peroxide cause purging?

Author: Dr. Jerrell Rosenbaum Jr.  |  Last update: Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Retinoids such as Tretinoin, acids such as salicylic, and benzoyl peroxide are just a few of the products that cause purging. These products contain active ingredients that increase the skin cell turnover rate, therefore causing your skin to purge.

Does benzoyl peroxide make you breakout at first?

It's just a typical side effect, especially during the early stages of treatment. Don't expect any results yet. New pimples at this stage are completely normal. Benzoyl peroxide is a slow worker.

Is it normal to breakout after using Cerave?

When you start a new skin care routine or you incorporate new products into your current regimen, you may experience breakouts or skin flaking. This process is sometimes called purging. This is a normal, short-term condition where the skin will rid itself of underlying oil, bacteria, or dirt, according to Dr.

How long is purging with benzoyl peroxide?

Generally speaking, dermatologists say purging should be over within four to six weeks of starting a new skin care regimen. If your purge lasts longer than six weeks, consult your dermatologist.

How long does skin purging last Cerave?

Purging will usually last for at least one cycle of the skin, and this is around a month. If it lasts longer than six weeks, slow down or cease use of the product as it may be a sensitivity or allergy.


Does benzoyl peroxide purge?

Products that may cause purging

Retinoids such as Tretinoin, acids such as salicylic, and benzoyl peroxide are just a few of the products that cause purging. These products contain active ingredients that increase the skin cell turnover rate, therefore causing your skin to purge.

How does skin purging look like?

Skin purging typically looks like tiny red bumps on the skin that are painful to touch. They are often accompanied by whiteheads or blackheads. It can also cause your skin to become flaky. The flare ups caused by purging have a shorter lifespan than a breakout.

Can too much benzoyl peroxide make acne worse?

During the first 3 weeks you are using benzoyl peroxide, your skin may become irritated. Also, your acne may seem to get worse before it gets better. If your skin problem has not improved within 4 to 6 weeks, check with your doctor.

Why does skin purge?

Skin purging occurs because newly introduced skincare ingredients increase the rate at which your skin cells turnover, causing you to shed more dead skin cells than usual. This, in turn, pushes layers of dead skin off and also brings clogged pores to the surface, Chang says, resulting in more breakouts.

How do you get rid of skin purging?

How to treat skin purging. “If the skin barrier is compromised when you see purging then start ingredients which help with barrier repair, such as ceramides and hyaluronic acid in a non-comedogenic formulation. If you are using a treatment or product continue with a slower approach.”

Is CeraVe good for hormonal acne?

CeraVe Acne Control Gel

This product is perfect for those who don't experience rampant acne but get acne when their hormones act up. It can be used as a spot treatment for active breakouts because it contains salicylic and lactic acids, which clear clog pores and fight acne-causing bacteria.

Is it a purge or breakout?

Purging is a sign that the product is working and you should continue with the treatment as prescribed. After a few weeks of purging, your skin and acne will have noticeably improved. Breaking out is when your skin is reacting because it is sensitive to something in the new product.

Is benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid better for acne?

If you have blackheads and whiteheads, salicylic acid alone should work well to clear out your pores. If your acne tends to be inflammatory, such as papules and pustules, opt for benzoyl peroxide to stop outbreaks at the source. For sensitive skin, start with salicylic acid, since it's less likely to cause irritation.

Will benzoyl peroxide clear acne scars?

Its enduring popularity goes beyond its availability and affordability — benzoyl peroxide can help treat inflammatory acne lesions and related scarring. It's most helpful when used together with other treatments, such as topical retinoids.

Why is my acne getting worse all of a sudden?

Sudden acne breakouts can be because of numerous reasons, including hormonal changes or hormonal imbalance, an unhealthy diet including lots of deep fried and junk food, release of cortisol hormones because of excessive stress, excessive production of sebum and much more.

Is cystic acne part of purging?

“Because purging is thought to be due to increased cell turnover, it's really going to bring preexisting microcomedones [small clogged hair particles] to the surface and will potentially turn into whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, and cysts,” Dr. Shah explains.

Why am I getting pimples even though I wash my face?

Your skin is very smart; it regulates itself and produces only as much sebum as it needs to stay healthy, hydrated, and youthful. However, when we wash it too much, it first becomes overly dry. This leads to a backup of dead skin, and in turn triggers an overproduction of sebum.

Why is my benzoyl peroxide not working?

What can I do if benzoyl peroxide does not work? Speak to a doctor if your skin does not improve with benzoyl peroxide, or if acne is making you feel very unhappy. They may recommend antibiotics or stronger creams. These treatments are only available on prescription.

Can I use benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid together?

Can I Use Both Salicylic Acid and Benzoyl Peroxide Together? "It's safe to use both together at low concentrations to attack your acne on all fronts," the dermatologist explains.

How common is skin purging?

Unbeknownst to most, skin purging is actually quite common and can happen when a new product is introduced into a daily skincare regimen.

Can I use benzoyl peroxide in the morning and salicylic acid at night?

Your treatment plan could include salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide at the same time, but it is best to space them out to decrease your risk for peeling, redness, dermatitis and drying. Doctors suggests switching between products every night, or using one in the AM and the other in the night.

Can I use niacinamide with benzoyl peroxide?

Yes, you can use benzoyl peroxide and niacinamide at the same time. In fact, many experts suggest teaming highly potent and drying ingredients, such as benzoyl peroxide with hydrating ones, such as niacinamide. With benzoyl peroxide penetrating further into the skin, it can sometimes cause some irritation and dryness.

Should I apply moisturizer before or after benzoyl peroxide?

1 If you're just beginning with your benzoyl peroxide treatment, start using moisturizer now, even before you notice any uncomfortable dryness. You may be able to stave off the worst of it. If you've already succumbed to benzoyl peroxide-induced dryness and flakiness, slather on moisturizer as often as necessary.

What can you not mix with benzoyl peroxide?

Don't Mix: Benzoyl peroxide with retinol, acne prescription tretinoin with caution. As previously mentioned, benzoyl peroxide and retinol can deactivate one another when used together. While prescription acne treatments can be used with BP, tretinoin requires extra care.

How long does a purge last?

Purging can last for anything from one or two weeks to one or two months. Breakouts can last a while; there is no time period that indicates when the breakouts will go away. The cell turnover speed is usual.

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