Do you still have to pluck your eyebrows after microblading?

Author: Miss Caitlyn Stoltenberg MD  |  Last update: Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Since these lines will look like real eyebrow hairs, this treatment will make your brows look thicker and more attractive. This treatment is not designed to permanently remove any of the hair in your eyebrows, so you might need to continue plucking your eyebrows after you receive a microblading treatment.

Do you still need to wax your eyebrows after microblading?

Do I still need to get waxed and tinted? YES! Hair will still grow outside of your microbladed brow line and needs to be cleaned up.

How do I maintain my eyebrows after microblading?

These may include the following:
  1. Apply coconut oil to your eyebrows twice a day until healed.
  2. Keep the area clean and dry.
  3. Avoid touching, rubbing, picking, or wetting the brow area for a week to 10 days.
  4. Avoid using any harsh skin care products.
  5. Don't apply makeup to the area for a week.

What happens to your real eyebrows after microblading?

After your initial microblading session, your skin should heal in 25 to 30 days. It'll likely feel tender and painful at first, but this will go away over time. Your brows will also darken and lighten before revealing their final color. It's normal for your skin to flake and peel as healing takes place.

What happens if your eyebrows don't peel after microblading?

People who pick their scabs off prematurely may only have a 40-50% retention (which means you may need to start back over). If your brows didn't "stick" or stay on after the entire healing process then your artist may not have gone deep enough to hit that sweet spot in the dermal epidermal junction.

3 YEARS AFTER MICROBLADING! | Was It Worth It? (Eyebrow Tattoo)

Can I wash my eyebrows after 7 days of microblading?


Do not let any water, lotion, soap, or makeup touch your eyebrow area during the first 7 days after your procedure. Please wash your face carefully around the eyebrow without getting water on the treated area. During the shower, keep your face away from the shower head or take a bath.

How do microblading scabs fall off?

7-10 Days After = the scabs will begin to flake and fall off your brows naturally, so your skin may look a little, well, flaky. When the scab falls off, the skin underneath will look really light and pink – this is because it's baby skin!

What are the negatives of microblading?

The CONS of Microblading

Apart from being an expensive method, makeup removal is quite painful and can lead to scarification. Also, in many cases, allergic skin reactions are a possibility; it is the microblading side effects. The numbing cream and the ink used might not be favorable to all skin types.

How many times can you Microblade your eyebrows?

As mentioned above, microblading can last anywhere from 18 to 30 months. In general, it requires touch-ups once or twice a year. Once pigment from the procedure begins to noticeably fade, you'll need to go back to your practitioner for a touch-up application.

How does microblading look after 3 years?

Appearance Is Faded but Still Looks Great

The decrease in thickness of your eyebrows will be noticeable ONLY if you'll compare your photos today vs. when your microbladed eyebrows are only weeks or months old. 3 years after microblading, they'll look more natural with time until they fade.

What to avoid with microbladed eyebrows?

Intense, sweaty work outs, long hot showers, pools, hot tubs, and saunas, should all be avoided during the healing process. Stay out of direct sunlight in the aftermath of your microblading session.

How painful is eyebrow microblading?

Although the procedure can take upward of 2 hours, most people report only feeling minor pressure or discomfort and less pain than a typical tattoo due to the use of a numbing cream. Of course, this will depend on your own personal tolerance to pain. Some level of pain or discomfort should be expected.

Is microblading worth the money?

So, is microblading worth it? The short answer to this question is yes, eyebrow microblading is definitely worth it. Especially considering the amount of talent and experience semi-permanent makeup artists have today, there's no going wrong when getting eyebrows microbladed. You'll be surprised by the results.

Should I pluck eyebrows before microblading?

Do Your Prep Work

Leading up to your appointment, you should avoid plucking or waxing your brows because your technician will be making your new brow shape based on current measurements they'll make before starting the procedure.

Do I need to pluck my eyebrows before microblading?

Do my existing eyebrows need to be shaved off for microblading? Most definitely NOT! Please do not tweeze, thread, wax or modify your eyebrows in any way for as long as possible before your appointment. This will allow for your artist to custom a brow design that blends in with your natural hair growth.

Do they shave eyebrows before microblading?

Eyebrow microblading means you have to shave them off

A professional technician would never even dream of shaving your brows off. At your appointment, it is likely that using a combination of waxing, threading, tweezing and trimming your brows will be tidied up, but that is as far as the removal goes.

What does microblading look like after 5 years?

Your brow shape is fine and pigments didn't migrate out of the initial outline, but the color of microblading after 5 years has turned either reddish/orangey or gray/bluish. If your brows are not too saturated, this can be fixed with a microblading color correction.

What are the pros and cons of microblading?

The Pros:
  • You spend less time getting ready in the morning. ...
  • They frame your face 24/7. ...
  • It's more affordable than ever. ...
  • The color fades. ...
  • There's room for user error. ...
  • Not all technicians are created equal. ...
  • You might still have to fill in your brows. ...
  • It's semi-permanent.

Which is better microblading or tattooing eyebrows?

Microblading creates a more natural end result compared to eyebrow tattooing, which results in brows that appear “drawn on” and flat. This is because the microblading technique creates individual hair-like strokes that are identical to hair growth pattern of the surrounding eyebrow hair.

What are the long term effects of microblading?

Since microblading breaks the skin, there is a serious risk for transmission of infectious diseases, including HIV and bacterial skin infections. Unsterile tools and other equipment are among the leading risks for transmitting infection.

What is the alternative to microblading?

Similar to microblading, nanoblading is a form of brow tattooing that implements a handheld tattoo machine tool and one very fine needle (as opposed to microblading, which uses several) to semi-permanently lay pigment under the skin, approximating the look of actual eyebrow hairs.

How much does microblading cost?

​Microblading ranges in cost from around 350 dollars to as high as 800 dollars. The average microblading cost is around $400. ​If you don't know what microblading is, it's the practice of placing pigment with tiny strokes of a “microblade” in a semi-permanent fashion over your existing eyebrows.

Can I put eyebrow pencil on after microblading?

Because your skin needs to be as clean as possible during the microblading healing process, you should completely avoid wearing any makeup, moisturizers, or makeup primers around the area treated by microblading.

When can I put makeup on my microbladed eyebrows?

Don't Use Makeup

You need to keep makeup away during your brow healing process. You need to wait at least ten days before wearing makeup in the area of your brows. Remember microblading causes tiny cuts in the skin.

What is the fastest way to heal microblading eyebrows?

Wet healing is how most microblading artists have their client's heal today. Your microblading artist will have you clean your eyebrows every 15 minutes to 1 hour following your appointment. Depending on your artist's preference, you'll do this for 1 to 3 days.

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