Do I need a tummy tuck or Panniculectomy?

Author: Deven Sauer  |  Last update: Friday, June 30, 2023

If you have a significant amount of hanging fat and skin that covers your groin area, a panniculectomy is most likely the better option. If you have excess skin in your middle abdomen, or want tightening of separated stomach muscles, a tummy tuck is probably going to be the better fit.

What qualifies you for a Panniculectomy?

You may be a candidate for a panniculectomy if you: have recently lost a large amount of weight and have loose belly skin that you want to remove. are experiencing hygiene issues from excess skin hanging below the pubic region. keep getting ulcers, infections, and other related issues under the hanging skin.

Will my stomach be flat after a Panniculectomy?

After the procedure, you can expect your low abdomen to look flatter and smoother. Most people also notice a new boost in their self-esteem after their panniculectomy because they feel more positive about their appearance.

Is a Panniculectomy cheaper than a tummy tuck?

A panniculectomy is more expensive than a tummy tuck, but it's often covered by medical insurance. The cost can range from $8,000 to $15,000, plus anesthesia and other extras. A tummy tuck is less expensive but is not covered by insurance. This elective procedure costs on average around $6,200.

How much do you have to weigh to get a Panniculectomy?

Panniculectomy is usually for people who have lost 100 lbs or more relatively quickly and when you have a BMI of less than 30.

Tummy Tuck vs Panniculectomy | Greer Plastic Surgery | Cleveland, OH

Is there a BMI limit for Panniculectomy?

Reaches a body mass index (BMI) less than or equal to 30 kg/m2; or. Has documented at least a 100 pound weight loss; or. Has achieved a weight loss which is 40% or greater of the excess body weight that was present prior to the individual's weight loss program or surgical intervention.

How does insurance cover Panniculectomy?

Panniculectomy covered by insurance

In many cases, panniculectomy surgery is covered by insurance. In order to qualify, insurance companies often require documentation from medical providers relating to weight loss and/or weight loss surgery, irriatation of the skin or other problems that affect everyday life.

When is Panniculectomy medically necessary?

The majority of requests for coverage for panniculectomy are for patients who have sustained significant weight loss, or who remain morbidly obese.

Do you get a new belly button with a Panniculectomy?

Your belly button is actually attached to the muscles below. During the procedure, it'll stay attached to its “stalk.” In most cases, the surgeon will create a new opening for the belly button , especially if its shape has become distorted after weight gain or pregnancy.

Should I lose weight before Panniculectomy?

Panniculectomy can be done prior, during or after Bariatric Surgery! Ideally it should be done after you have lost most of your access weight and or your weight loss has stabilized.

What is a Grade 3 pannus?

An abdominal pannus is classified using the following grading system: Grade 1: panniculus covers hairline and mons pubis but not the genitals. Grade 2: panniculus covers genitals and upper thigh crease. Grade 3: panniculus covers upper thigh. Grade 4: panniculus covers mid-thigh.

How much fat can be removed with Panniculectomy?

During a panniculectomy, there is almost no limit on the amount of skin and fat that can be removed. In your case, skin and fat can be removed from hip to hip; this is what I would suggest for your abdomen. This amount of skin and fat can be safely removed in one surgery.

How long are you out of work for a Panniculectomy?

You will need to be off work for a minimum of 4-6 weeks following abdominoplasty/panniculectomy. Do not lift anything over 10 pounds for at least 6 weeks after your surgery. If you have small children, do not lift them up, or hold them in your lap for at least 3-4 weeks after your surgery.

Can an Obgyn do a Panniculectomy?

Panniculectomy is relatively simple for general gynecologists or gynecologic oncologists to understand and master. Wound complications will occur in these women, but they are manageable and acceptable, given that the surgeries are potentially curative.

Does a Panniculectomy include pubic area?

A panniculectomy only involves the removal of the pannus or the hanging skin OVER the pubic region. A panniculectomy does NOT include the removal of the excess skin or fat of the pubic region.

Is there an age limit for Panniculectomy?

Seattle plastic surgery lynnwood–as long as performed in a healthy patient who could benefit from the procedure–generally there is no hard age limit. If a 60-year-old patient is a good candidate for a tummy tuck and healthy enough to undergo the surgery and recovery, they have the procedure.

How many sizes do you lose with a Panniculectomy?

How many sizes you go down depends on where you started and how your body changes after the procedure. Most women lose between 2 and 3 pants sizes after a tuck, but there are patients who lose even more. If you had a lot of loose skin before the procedure, for example, you could go down 4 more pants sizes.

How long do you wear a binder after a Panniculectomy?

Recommended length of abdominal binder wear after tummy tuck

I recommend for patients to wear the abdominal binder full-time except when showering for the first month after tummy tuck. If tolerating well, I often recommend a total of 6 weeks.

How do I get rid of my hanging belly?

To lose stomach overhang you have to burn fat cells in both the fat you can see directly under the skin and also the more dangerous fat that you can't see that surrounds your organs. Cardio such as swimming, aerobics, running or dancing will burn this excess fat store.

Do you need drains after a Panniculectomy?

You will likely have several drains near your incision. Your doctor will tell you how to take care of them. You may have a special girdle, called a binder, placed around the area where you had surgery. This binder will help ease swelling and pain.

What is a 360 Panniculectomy?

Tummy Tuck 360 combines circumferential liposuction of the trunk (back, hips/flanks, abdomen) with a tummy tuck for a truly dramatic re-contouring and restoration of the entire mid-section.

Does a Panniculectomy remove fat?

Panniculectomy is a surgery done to remove stretched out, excess fat and overhanging skin from your abdomen. This can occur after a person undergoes massive weight loss.

Is a Panniculectomy worth it?

The short answer is yes; this treatment is totally worth it. Most patients start to see incredible results after about three months, and by six months after the treatment, they are amazed by how different their bodies look. Sometimes, the belly keeps getting flattered and better looking for up to a year.

Can you get a tummy tuck at 220 pounds?

Whether you're looking for a large tummy tuck at 150 pounds, 220 pounds, or even 250 pounds, Dr. LaBarbera can help you attain the desired results. Plus-sized abdominoplasties have become one of the most popular cosmetic procedures for post-pregnancy women, as well as men and women who have a high body mass index.

What makes a tummy tuck medically necessary?

So, when is a tummy tuck necessary? After significant weight loss or multiple pregnancies, your stomach muscles may not return to their original positions. Tummy tuck procedures tighten or repair weak muscles while removing excess skin and fat from the abdomen.

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