Can I use CeraVe SA cleanser with benzoyl peroxide?

Author: Alexandrea Padberg  |  Last update: Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Can I Use Both Salicylic Acid and Benzoyl Peroxide Together? "It's safe to use both together at low concentrations to attack your acne on all fronts," the dermatologist explains.

Can you use SA cleanser with benzoyl peroxide?

Is it safe to use both at the same time? Your treatment plan could very well include both salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide at the same time. However, applying both products on the same area of skin — even at different times of day — can increase your risk for excessive drying, redness, and peeling.

Can benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid be used together?

Using both benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid together can help increase their effectiveness. Many OTC products contain both benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. You could even use a cleanser containing salicylic acid, for example, followed by a benzoyl peroxide lotion.

Is CeraVe good to use with benzoyl peroxide?

CeraVe Acne Foaming Cream Cleanser combines the acne-fighting ability of benzoyl peroxide with three essential ceramides to support a healthy skin barrier. The product harnesses the benefits of benzoyl peroxide in an elegant and advanced formulation that will not irritate skin.

Does CeraVe benzoyl peroxide cause purging?

Retinoids such as Tretinoin, acids such as salicylic, and benzoyl peroxide are just a few of the products that cause purging. These products contain active ingredients that increase the skin cell turnover rate, therefore causing your skin to purge.

Salicylic Acid vs Benzoyl Peroxide: Which is Best?

Is CeraVe SA cleanser good for acne?

Suitable for use on your face and body as well as acne-prone skin, our salicylic acid cleanser not only exfoliates the skin, but with three essential ceramides, hyaluronic acid and niacinamide, it also helps soften and smooth the skin without disrupting its protective barrier.

What can you not mix with benzoyl peroxide?

Don't Mix: Benzoyl peroxide with retinol, acne prescription tretinoin with caution. As previously mentioned, benzoyl peroxide and retinol can deactivate one another when used together. While prescription acne treatments can be used with BP, tretinoin requires extra care.

Can I use benzoyl peroxide in the morning and salicylic acid at night?

Your treatment plan could include salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide at the same time, but it is best to space them out to decrease your risk for peeling, redness, dermatitis and drying. Doctors suggests switching between products every night, or using one in the AM and the other in the night.

What can you mix with benzoyl peroxide?

“AHA, BHA, retinol, and benzoyl peroxide can be mixed with moisturizing ingredients like hyaluronic acid, ceramides, and rosehip oil to get effective results — just ensure you are not using retinol as well as AHA or BHA's during the day," says Graf.

Is benzoyl peroxide good for acne or salicylic acid?

If you have blackheads and whiteheads, salicylic acid alone should work well to clear out your pores. If your acne tends to be inflammatory, such as papules and pustules, opt for benzoyl peroxide to stop outbreaks at the source. For sensitive skin, start with salicylic acid, since it's less likely to cause irritation.

When should you not use benzoyl peroxide?

These serious side effects are rare and happen in less than 1 in 1,000 people. Stop using benzoyl peroxide if: the skin that you're treating becomes swollen. you get blisters on your skin.

Should I use salicylic acid before benzoyl peroxide?

"I usually recommend choosing just one product that has benzoyl peroxide and one that has salicylic acid," says Dr. Kim. "Start slowly in the beginning, alternating days until your skin gets used to [both products] with no signs of peeling, redness, or irritation."

Can niacinamide and benzoyl peroxide be used together?

Yes, you can use benzoyl peroxide and niacinamide at the same time. In fact, many experts suggest teaming highly potent and drying ingredients, such as benzoyl peroxide with hydrating ones, such as niacinamide. With benzoyl peroxide penetrating further into the skin, it can sometimes cause some irritation and dryness.

Can I use niacinamide after benzoyl peroxide?

Products containing Niacinamide are fantastic to pair with dehydrating ingredients like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or retinols to balance the skin.

Is it better to use benzoyl peroxide at night or morning?

If you're new to benzoyl peroxide, start with once a day only. Gradually work your way up to morning and night applications. If you use a retinoid or retinol product at night, apply benzoyl peroxide only in the mornings. This will prevent irritation and other side effects.

Can I use SA cleanser in the morning?

“You can use a salicylic acid–based cleanser in the morning to unclog pores and avoid acne and a glycolic acid–based cleanser at night to exfoliate your skin and get rid of dead skin cells,” notes Jailman.

Can benzoyl peroxide make acne worse?

During the first 3 weeks you are using benzoyl peroxide, your skin may become irritated. Also, your acne may seem to get worse before it gets better. If your skin problem has not improved within 4 to 6 weeks, check with your doctor.

Can you use BHA and benzoyl peroxide together?

Benzoyl Peroxide + AHAs/BHAs (Exfoliating Acids)

Both salicylic acid (a BHA) and benzoyl peroxide are effective against acne, but using them at the same time can lead to excessively dry skin. Try using them on alternating nights instead for an equally effective anti-acne regimen!

Can you combine vitamin C and benzoyl peroxide?

You should avoid using Vit. C with benzoyl peroxide, which can oxidize the Vit. C and, therefore, make it less potent. You can still use your benzoyl peroxide products, just not in the same part of your routine as the Vit.

Can I use SA cleanser everyday?

SA Cleanser is non-drying, non-irritating, and fragrance free so it is safe for daily use, even on sensitive skin!

Should I use CeraVe SA cleanser every day?

Can I use salicylic acid every day? It is safe to use products with salicylic acid every day, unless it is specified otherwise on the product usage guidelines or by your health care professional. CeraVe's SA Smoothing Cream and SA Smoothing Cleanser are suitable for daily use.

Can I use CeraVe SA cleanser twice a day?

No one should be using any of those twice daily. Many of your barriers can't even tolerate once daily. I use a SA cleanser from the inkey list and the directions say twice a day.

Is benzoyl peroxide better than niacinamide?

Conclusion. The combination of 2.5% benzoyl peroxide and 5% niacinamide is more effective than 2.5% benzoyl peroxide alone for mild to moderate facial acne vulgaris.

Can I put moisturizer over benzoyl peroxide?

1 If you're just beginning with your benzoyl peroxide treatment, start using moisturizer now, even before you notice any uncomfortable dryness. You may be able to stave off the worst of it. If you've already succumbed to benzoyl peroxide-induced dryness and flakiness, slather on moisturizer as often as necessary.

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