At what age should I use retinol?

Author: Bernice Hahn  |  Last update: Tuesday, May 3, 2022

There are no set rules on how old you should be to use retinol. For anti-aging purposes, you can start preventatively in your 20s. While over-the-counter retinol can help mild acne, many people with breakouts will need a prescription.

At what age should you start using retinol?

Generally speaking, I recommend most people start using retinol in their mid to late-20s, anywhere from 25-30. This is when collagen and elastin production starts to slow down, so it's the perfect time to start reaping the preventative-aging benefits retinol has to offer.

Can I use retinol at 18?

The truth is that even if you're in your twenties, you're not too young for retinol. Age just doesn't matter. Because it's not only for anti-aging, but it also works for acne. Retinol, and prescription retinoids, are commonly used for getting rid of breakouts—especially in teenagers.

Should I start using retinol in my 20s?

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends starting an anti-aging treatment like retinol in your 20s. “Because retinol is a preventative measure, you don't have to wait until you're actually noticing signs of aging—like fine lines or crow's feet—to start using it,” Dr. Schlessinger says.

Can a 22 year old use retinol?

“Absolutely!” says Dr. Nichols. “Retinol is safe to use for men or women in their 20s to help boost collagen and reduce signs of premature aging, such as creepiness, age spots, and fine lines.”

Starting retinol too young?| Dr Dray

Can a teenager use retinol?

But all ages can reap the rewards of a retinol-infused beauty routine. “Dermatologists use retinoids for teens with acne, so when I prescribe it I will often explain the long-term benefits and will recommend that they continue to use the retinoid even after I have cleared their acne,” says Carroll.

Should a 16 year old use retinol?

Retinol, and prescription retinoids, are commonly used for getting rid of breakouts—especially in teenagers. Since retinoids are safe for acne-prone teens and their young skin, then retinol is safe to use when you are young before you see any signs of aging.

Can I use retinol at 13?

Myth: Young people can't use retinoids

But there is no age restriction on the use of retinoids. Instead, it's about what skin conditions are being treated. After sunscreen, it's one of the best preventive anti-aging ingredients around.

Can a 16 year old use vitamin C serum?

No, you can start using Vitamin C serum once you are 20.

Can a 12 year old use niacinamide?

Niacinamide is one of the most versatile skincare ingredients and is super easy to incorporate into your routine. Suitable for all skin types and all ages (from teens to mature skin) it can be used both morning and evening but remember consistency is key if you want to see results.

Is vitamin C or retinol better?

So, should I use vitamin C or retinol for wrinkles? Well, when it comes right down to it, the choice is really in what you're looking to do for your skin. While vitamin C is incredible for the skin because of its ability to help brighten and improve hyperpigmentation, the best active ingredient for wrinkles is retinol.

Does retinol age your skin?

Retinoids reduce fine lines and wrinkles by increasing the production of collagen. They also stimulate the production of new blood vessels in the skin, which improves skin color. Additional benefits include fading age spots and softening rough patches of skin.

What skincare should a 14 year old use?

Use a gentle cleanser, moisturiser and sunscreen to take care of your skin. If you have dry skin, choose a non-soapy formula and salicylic acid for oily skin. Choose moisturizer that is oil-in-water based or gel-based to make your skin grease-free. You can also opt for sunscreen - preferably aqua or gel-based ones.

Can a 14 year old use toner?

Moms of teens will remember that back in their day, a toner was usually a high alcohol content, tingly, burning affair that was used in the hopes of sopping up excess oil. Not only is that completely not what you're looking for here, it's actually very harmful to teenage skin.

What is a good skincare routine for a 15 year old?

Here are the top skin tips for teen skin care:
  • Cleanse carefully. If your skin is oily, you'll probably do well with a foaming or gel cleanser for daily skin care. ...
  • Wash off makeup before bed. ...
  • Control oil. ...
  • Exfoliate. ...
  • Get the right acne products. ...
  • Don't share makeup. ...
  • Keep hands clean. ...
  • Choose spray hair products.

Can a 12 year old use retinol?

Topical retinoids approved for treatment of acne vulgaris are indicated only down to age 12 years, with the exception of tretinoin 0.05% gel (Atralin), which is approved for use in children as young as 10 years of age. But acne is a significant problem well before age 10, noted Dr.

Can I use retinol at 19?

Yes, you can get prescription retinol, but don't. That's for later in life. Over-the-counter products work well and are formulated to be gentler. "Because skin cell turnover is just beginning to slow down in the late 20s, they don't need super strong formulas at this point," says Rouleau.

Can 12 year olds use salicylic acid?

Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid topical should not be used on a child younger than 12 years old.

Can I use anti-aging products at 17?

Anti-aging products provide many benefits to the skin as it ages. These products can start to be incorporated into your everyday routine in your early 20s. The sooner you start using anti-aging products, the less likely you are to develop wrinkles and lines.

Can I use anti-aging products at 18?

In general (emphasis on the general), you don't need to start anti-aging products in your 20s, and it can actually be too young. "The problem with many anti-aging products is that they are formulated for older patients," Weiser tells me.

Can a 19 year old use anti-aging cream?

When it comes to taking care of our skin, dermatologists say that 25 is the right time to start using anti-ageing products or at least have a proper skincare regiment. This of course leaves many 20-somethings thinking 'I am too young for anti-ageing products'.

Should a 12 year old have a skincare routine?

At this age and beyond, skincare is supremely important. Teens often develop chaotic skin so a good diet and good skincare routine are paramount to keep skin looking its best. We recommend starting a night time and morning skincare routine.

Should a 15 year old use toner?

So for teens, the ideal skin toners should be the ones that balance the pH level of the skin while keeping the acne away. If you are looking for toners that control oil, then you should look for toners that contain Salicylic acid, as they are known for controlling oil and giving the skin a balanced look.

Is retinol good for teenage acne?


Inflammatory acne that's so common during your teen years may also be treated with retinoids. These are types of vitamin A derivatives that unplug clogged oil ducts to prevent cysts and nodules. Retinoids may be your next step if benzoyl peroxide doesn't do the trick.

Who should not use retinol?

Who should skip retinol? “Retinols can be a beneficial addition for most skin types, but it isn't a one-size-fits-all approach,” Panzica says. Board certified dermatologist Zenovia Gabriel, MD, notes that “people with sensitive skin conditions like rosacea cannot tolerate really strong topicals like retinols.”

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